Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

Jess Aarons' and Leslie Burke are the two main characters of this wonderful book about the adventures of childhood.  Jess was a runner and Leslie had a very vivid imagination.  They became best friends and completely inseparable.  They decide to build a bridge across a local creek and there they created their own world called Terabithia.  No one was allowed in Terabithia. It was their magic place.

I would use this in my classroom.  I remember my librarian read it to us in 3rd grade, then I remember reading it again in 4th grade on my own and I absolutely fell in love with it (even though I always need lots of tissues).   It is a great book to teach children how to cope with issues that they may one day have to face.

South Carolina State Standard for ELA

Standard 4-1 The student will read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats.

Indicator 4-1.2 Analyze literary texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.

In my classroom, I would do an interactive read aloud with the students.  We will make a chart titled, Way's to Make and Keep a Friend.  The students will draw conclustions from the book and respond with ways to keep a friend.  I will discuss with students which strategies from the chart Jess and Leslie used as they first got to know each other. Which ones did they use as their friendship developed over time?

Websites    *great for word wall words

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