Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Skippyjon Jones

Skippyjon Jones  by Judy Schachner

Skippyjon Jones is a delightful story of a Siamese cat that thinks he is a Chihuahua!  Throughout the first book in the series, we learn that Skippyjon Jones has a very vivid imagination.  He runs wild with a pack of chihuahua friends.  In his first adventure he rescues his friends from a huge bumblebeeto, "bumblebee."

This book is a fun read aloud, but can be tricky.  The words are a bit tongue-twistery and difficult to say.

South Carolina State Standard

Standard K-1 The student will begin to read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats.

K-1.3 Understand that a narrator tells the story.

A great activity to go along with the following standard and indicator would be to read the book aloud to the class and listen for the narrator of the book.   Then have the students recall why they think Skippyjon is the narrator.  Record answers on a chart.


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